Month November 2018

Snap Application Permissions

Snap Application Permissions

We have already written about snaps and its advantages against other packaging application system. If we compare RPM and DEB packages to snaps we can see on snaps automatic background updates allowing up-to-date applications, with bugs fixes more frequently. A snap app is packaged with all dependencies making the application very…

Password Hashing And Why We Need It

Password Hashing And Why We Need It

As a web developer, you must have come across the term password hashing at least once. Let us quickly understand what is password hashing and why we even need it. What is Password Hashing? Password hashing is the process of encrypting a user’s…

Best Open Source Skype Alternatives For Linux

Best Open Source Skype Alternatives For Linux

Video calls and conferencing have become almost a regular thing. Interviews, business talks, personal calls are all made on video call software like Skype. However, Skype has always given updates and feature upgrades to Linux users very late. It almost…

Tags And Sub-modules – Git Series Part 6

Tags And Sub modules Git Series Part 6

This is the final guide in the Git series. Here, we will be covering two more major features that Git has to offer: tags and sub-modules. If you have been following the previous guides, and other materials, you should have a…

10 Linux Commands For Network Diagnostics

linux commands for network diagnostics

It is difficult to find a Linux computer that is not connected to the network, be it server or workstation. From time to time it becomes necessary to diagnose faults, intermittence or slowness in the network. In this article, we will…

Installing Vundle: The Plugin Manager For Vim

Installing Vundle The Plugin Manager For Vim

Today, this guide will present a step-by-step guide of how to install and configure Vundle (Vim Bundle) from GitHub, and what issues you may face when installing Vundle. As many of you may know, vim is a console-based text editor that has numerous advanced…