10 Efficient Raspberry Add-ons To Enhance Performance - Part 8
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Sometimes, you may find yourself in great need to improve the functionality of your Raspberry Pi. There is a good chance your Raspberry does not support the functionality you want. There is also a chance that it supports your dream functionality but with the help of an external tool. An add-on, in other words. It is evident that your dream add-on exists in the market, or someone somewhere is cracking an algorithm to build. Never mind, here we compiled a list of the best add-ons for your Raspberry 2024.

This GPIO (general purpose input/output) extension board is designed to run on the Raspberry Pi. The gertduino is generally an Arduino that is made to be compatible with the Raspberry.
What makes the gertduino a great add-on is that you can program on the PI. After building up your programs, you can upload them to the Arduino. Here is the gertduino. Both devices can communicate with each other. The add-on was designed by one of the Rasp engineers Gert Van Loo. It is intended to share functionality with the Raspberry. However, picturing both the Rasp and the Arduino as market rivals. The gertduino bridges both their functions to an optimized microcontroller and a microcomputer.
Suppose you are looking to automate processes in your household using the Raspberry. Piface Digital is the answer. This add-on enables you to detect any state of a switch. Be it a digital door knob or a customized cooker button. By plugging the piface digital into the Rasp GPIO, you can automate motors, pumps, LEDs, or thermostats. When the piface is plugged into the Raspberry, the user can write software that responds to particular switch states. This is what enables this sensing of the switches.

This speaker is designed to run on the Raspberry PI 3. optimized with three position hardware switches, and comes pre-configured with out-of-the-box software. With the Pi-top, you can experience precise and audible audio on the Raspberry Pi. Given that, each speaker comes with HDMI support. It means it is easy to port with the Raspberry.
Ever heard of ZigBee? Maybe no. Zigbee is a wireless technology designed to be simpler and more cost-effective than Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Zigbee is usually used in devices that require range-low-range wireless communications, like wireless light switches and home energy monitors. Hence, ZigBee can be described as a short-range personal area network. The Raspberry add-on is thus a technology that integrates the Raspberry and ZigBee. This add-on will enable your Raspberry to communicate with ZigBee devices. Thus optimizing the auto control mechanics of a Raspberry.

This cost-effective hardware shield enables the Raspberry to have a smooth interface with the real world. The pi-traffic lets you plug components into pre-set Raspberry positions without blocking access to other ports. However, this add-on was initially created as a learning tool. It seems to extend its scope by having four fitted standard pins that can be controlled independently.

This is a tiny camera with approximately (25 x 24 x 29) mm dimensions. It connects to the Raspberry via a ribbon cable. It operates by being controlled by the BCM2835 processor, which connects using the CSI interface. The CSI is an inbuilt interface to connect the Raspberry PI to external cameras. The NoIR has a 5-megapixel sensor and a fixed focus lens. Like any other IR camera, you must fill your scene with bright infrared light for a good shot.
This is an add-on board that extends the inbuilt LEDs up to 18 LEDs. The things a piglow can do include Twitter notifications, running scripts, statutes, and email feedback.
This deluxe modular case has varying heights for any Pi version, 2 or 3. It is an excellent add-on since it comes with an SD slot cover. This is ideal to protect your SD card from damage. The case also supports PIs with add-on boards or shields. It also helps LED pipes that enhance LED activity.
A 3.5-inch TFT display with touchscreen capabilities. It comes with a touch pen and suits most designers and curators. It’s convenient because it comes with a portable power supply source. However, to use it, you have to install the Jelly OS. Inhibiting for those comfortable with other systems.
This add-on was released from the Raspberry to be used for nano-satellite experiments. It collects sensed data according to the state of its environment. It is used primarily at the International Space Station to conduct space experiments, which means it is a niche-specific product.

In this article, I have covered only many add-ons. There are hundreds of Raspberry add-ons created for any DIY project out there. It all narrows down to your requirements. All the details specified here suit the particulars of new versions in the market. They are all compatible with all Rasp models from the pi2. Choosing from the assortment of brands may be challenging, but I advise you to check with the official Raspberry website for better brand specifications.
A significant difference lies between all brands, but all that matters is customer requirements. What do you need the add-on for?
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