Category Linux

Things To Know About Linux Kernel Panic

Things to know about Linux Kernel Panic

​For an OS (Operating System) to work it has to be fully “Synchronized” with the hardware, this includes audio and video connection with the help of drivers, wireless connection and other hardware options to connect the hardware and software. These…

5 Misconceptions About Being A Linux User

​Ever wondered what Linux is and how it really works? Many of us have asked this question, especially when you are densely populated around with Redmond fans and none of your pals have tried Linux ever! Some people in areas…

Top 5 Ubuntu Themes Of The Month

​Every month we select the top themes for Ubuntu. Many themes stay same and many change. Themes are one of the best ways to make our desktop beautiful and who doesn’t want to make his desktop beautiful? The themes mentioned…

Linus The Man Behind Linux

linux torvalds creator of linux kernel

Well, we all have heard somewhere (if not using it already) about Linux an Operating System that hardly gets a virus, that runs applications created to run only on Linux and can’t run Windows and macOS applications (at least not out of…