Telegram Messenger On Linux [Telegram Linux]
Table of Contents
Telegram is a messenger designed to overcome the limitations of other messengers like WhatsApp or similar ones. It is different and better than other messengers on more than one level. A few of the important features that make it stand out among other messengers are: How To Install & Use WhatsApp In Linux?
Open API. This enables the users to develop their own versions of the telegram.
Open Protocol. This protocol is highly secure and will protect important messages from hackers
Free. As is freedom as well as a subscription. There will be no ads and the developers intend to keep it that way forever.
It has unlimited cloud storage. There is no limit on the size of the media or chats.
Available on all devices like tablets, smartphones, desktop ( Mac, Windows, and Linux as well) and there is web version too…Telegram is not here for profits but instead to provide users an alternative to all those other messengers which don’t value privacy. We will now look at setting up the desktop telegram on Linux.
I used arch with deepin desktop, but telegram should work in any Linux based PC.
First, Visit the telegram website and choose telegram for PC/Mac/Linux.
Also read – How To Install Telegram In Linux Using From PPA?

Then, the website should automatically detect your Linux and show you the download link. Or you can select the one that suits your PC. Keep in mind the CPU architecture 32 bit or 64 bit. Click on Download.

Open the location of the file and place it in your home folder or where you want to store the application. Then, open a terminal from that folder or just open a terminal and change directory to the folder as shown in Image.

Check the folder with ls command to see if you are in the correct place and find tsetup*.tar.xz package, which you downloaded earlier.

Use the command “tar -xvf tsetup*.tar.xz” to extract the contents of the archive. Change the working directory into the Telegram directory with cd command.

Now, type “./Telegram” without the quotes in the terminal to open the telegram app.

That’s it. The telegram app is launched and you will find yourself in the login screen.

Type in your Mobile number after you select the country. You will receive a one-time password for verification and you have to type it into login.

Finally, you can use telegram to message your friends.

That’s it. Just remember that telegram is full of features. You have the option to start a secret chat which will not leave any trace in the servers and also with end-to-end encryption. You have a lot of other features too which are not discussed here as that is not within the scope of this article. Be sure to check them all out.
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