Top Alternative Linux Distributions To Windows XP

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

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top alternative linux distributions to windows xp

After recent Wanna Cry ransomware attack, people are now awakening that they should leave Windows XP and should upgrade their OS. But the problem with them is that they cannot afford a heavy OS like windows 10 nor they can afford to pay a large sum of green cash for an old machine. Some of the guys just want to switch for safety above all.
​This is why today I am going to mention the top Linux distro that will surely help you to switch easily from XP to Linux. The list is made keeping in mind lightweight, updated and easiness to use just like XP. So without wasting time, let us start.Here is an old article by us when we looked around for best windows replacement distro.


Lubuntu is an official flavor of the famous Linux tech giant who created Ubuntu. However, Lubuntu is designed in order to make it resource efficient, battery friendly and help your daily work get done. For me the most lightweight and complete distro is Lubuntu. I had run Lubuntu on my old notebook with Pentium processor, 512mb RAM with 32GB hard disk and believe me it was above my expectations. Even when XP doesn’t support my graphics and sound card anymore, Lubuntu gave it a new life.
lubuntu 16.04 desktop file manager

Zorin OS

​Zorin OS is a Linux distro which is the most famous for being Windows users friendly. Yes, you read it right, Zorin OS not only offers to look and feel of windows but also offers you to run windows app instantly with wasting any moment. Although as being a windows XP user if you want speed, I will advise you to use 32 bit with LXDE desktop. This is the best combo to get speed on your old PC.You can change the theme to get that perfect Windows XP look on Zorin OS too.

Also read – Zorin OS 12 LinuxAndUbuntu Distro Review Of The Week

zorin os gnome desktop screenshots

Linux Mint

​Believe me, if Mint is not in the list then the list is not complete. Linux MInt is probably the best bid for youf PC if you want a nice community support, continuous updates, a very familiar and easy to use windows themeable desktop environment, a great software center and much more. There should be probably reasons why you won’t use mint. Based on Ubuntu, Linux Mint has stability, safety, and a very similar DE to Windows (use cinnamon).Also read – Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya Review

linux mint screenshot

linux mint an alternative to windows xp

Feren OS

​Feren OS is a name that I never knew until one of our fellow reader Orbmiser mentioned it to us. Really Feren OS is an awesome distro. Based on Linux Mint, Feren OS main goal is to provide users a reliable distro to ship from windows to Linux easily. Feren OS ships with Wine, which allows users to quickly run windows apps easily. As mentioned earlier, based on Mint, it ships with Cinnamon, the famous DE.
feren os windows xp alternative

ferenos linux distribution


​The list is great. Moreover, I will personally recommend users to go to Lubuntu if speed is what they seek. However, if you got at least 2 GB RAM, go for Mint which I am using on daily basis and really enjoying. I would love to hear from you too. Comment below, and let me know.
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