Search Results for top network command

10 Best Linux Task Managers

10 Best Linux Task Managers

One of the most important things for Linux users is task management, because all operating systems have mistakes, and Linux isn’t the exception yet. Sometimes, I have troubles with specific applications that collapse and the processes do not stop, it’s…

gaming platforms for linux

Popular Gaming Platforms For Linux

Online gaming is becoming something of a standard and there quite a few options available for those in the Linux universe. Some are more popular than others but there is nothing wrong with knowing the alternatives as you can check…

Best Courses Or Trainings To Learn Linux

10 Best Courses Or Trainings To Learn Linux

Many people learn Linux for different reasons ranging from work to personal interest, and for all those people, I have selected the best courses/ways to learn Linux.  ​Learning Linux is strongly associated with the learning command line, at least up…