10 Best Courses Or Trainings To Learn Linux


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Many people learn Linux for different reasons ranging from work to personal interest, and for all those people, I have selected the best courses/ways to learn Linux

​Learning Linux is strongly associated with the learning command line, at least up to a certain basic level. Basically, any Linux course consists of the following topics: LFHS, networking, directories and files with permissions, users and groups, command line basics, pipes and redirection, archives, software management, documentation. These are as well in all of the courses listed below. So, let’s look at the best tutorials available on the internet.

10 Best Linux Trainings & Courses To Learn Linux Faster

1. Linux Administration Bootcamp: Go from Beginner to Advanced

10 best courses to learn linux

Author: Jason Cannon, Professional system administrator, consultant, and author.

Duration: 7.5 hrs

Description: Author of this course has utilized his Linux skills at companies such as Xerox, UPS, Hewlett-Packard, and Amazon.com. So, this course has a professional background, which is definitely reflected in this course. The skills range from Beginner to pro. Text Editing with both vi and emacs is included. A bit expensive, but, quality content is guaranteed.

Cost : $200

2. Ubuntu Desktop for Beginners: Start Using Linux Today!

ubuntu desktop for beginners

Author: Cody ray miller.

Duration: 3.5 hrs

Description: This video course focuses more on the GUI. It also looks at troubleshooting common problems faced by new users. There are special brief videos about DVD playing, atunes, video editors, banshee, photoshop, and gimp. It also carefully introduces the features of unity, which most other courses fail to do properly.​

Cost : $95

3. Learn Linux and Get Certified

Learn Linux from Scratch to Advanced

learn linux from scratch

Author: Md atef

Duration: 6 hrs

Description: The course description clearly states the purpose of this course. “You will learn everything related to Linux from scratch and you will be able to use it easily the same way you are using windows also you will get prepared to clear the Linux exam and get certified.”

Cost : $40

4. Learn Linux in 3 days and Grow Your Career

learn linux in 3 days

Author: Vishal Patel

Duration: 2.5 hrs

Duration: The videos are direct to the point. The specific advantage of this course is its short length. It uses Ubuntu. It is simple to understand. It covers only basics. It is best for the users who just want to learn the basics and not the whole Linux.​

Cost : $35

5. Learning Linux Essentials: Taking your first steps in Linux

For lpi certificate in Linux essentials


Author: Andrew Mallett, the urban penguin.

Duration: 8.5 hrs

Started on 10/2015.

Description: Everything about Linux basics and open source. Scripting. Short glimpses of all major applications like LibreOffice, Thunderbird email client, web browsers, gimp, server apps, mysql, samba, and NFS, programming, software licensing.

Cost : $20

6. The Linux Command Line

the linux command line introduction

Author: William Shotts

Pages: 540

Cost: Free

Description: So, this is our first non-video way of learning Linux. You can read this offline and also in printed form. This book is with Creative Commons license. This book is more about the command line, but, in the author’s language “Any serious discussion of the command line will invariably lead to Linux system administration topics”.

7. Linux survival

Author: Guy Hummel

Cost: Free

Description: To quote the site itself “Linux Survival is a free tutorial designed for people who have little or no experience with the Linux operating system.” This site is a readable version. But, this is different from other tutorials by its approach. It concentrates on the basic commands used daily. This basically starts you on the path of learning the command line.

8. Welcome to LinuxFoundationX LFS101x!

Introduction to Linux

introduction to linux

Author: Jerry Cooperstein, Ph.D., Training Program Director, The Linux Foundation.

Duration: self-paced

Description: This course stands out from the rest because this course has directly descended from the original course of the Linux foundation’s course and is still maintained by the Linux Foundation. Just a warning though, this course uses a lot of text-based learning, so, this is not ideal for those who just want to dive into Linux.  It has tests, DIY kind of homework, videos from the members of the Linux foundation. ​​

Cost: Free

9. Linux From Scratch

Author: Gerard Beekmans

Duration: 356 pages

Cost: Free

Description: “Linux From Scratch (LFS) is a project that provides you with step-by-step instructions for building your own customized Linux system entirely from source.”

Flexibility and freedom have been the important flagships of Linux. Now, no one talks about building windows or mac systems. But LFS offers this for Linux. What better way to learn Linux than to build it yourself from scratch! Oh, this is also under a creative commons license.

10. Youtube

All the above courses are dedicated to their own sites except for the Linux foundation course. But if you wanna learn Linux from the simple tutorials collected into youtube playlists, then, we have them too. Whatever way you can think of learning Linux, We already listed it here. So, check these out –

Ultimate Linux Tutorials
Linux Tutorial

Bonus: Official documentation

Any Linux tutorial can take you only up to a certain extent and from there, you have only one option to go forward. The official documentation. Every course listed above will teach you about man pages. Those are the ultimate references for any newbie or Linux sage. So, Be sure to check out the sites of http://www.tldp.org , the official distro, wikis of arch and other distros, etc.


I have covered almost every medium of learning Linux as possible. Udemy, Edx, and youtube have android or ios apps. So, you are ready to learn while traveling too. You can download the books and read them directly or on Kindle. You can also order the printed copies from the respective publishing agencies at very reasonable costs.

Linux is everywhere from Amazon to android. So, learning Linux can be very interesting and useful at times. What are still reading this article for? Go select a course and start already.

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