Running Windows 3.x - DOSBox Part 4 Paid Members Public
Continuing on from the previous tutorial, we have a working DOS installation running with DOSBox that we can install Windows 3.11 on for running old 16-bit Windows software. Since a DOS installation is up and running correctly (unless, of course, it’s broken somehow), let’s begin by installing

DOSBox Part 3: Installing DOS Onto A Virtual Hard Drive Paid Members Public
The previous tutorial demonstrated the simplicity of booting from floppy images and creating other images using the tools provided by Linux. This guide continues on from that as it goes through step by step how to properly create a hard disk image, hook it up to DOSBox, and install whichever

DOSBox Part 2: Creating, Handling, and Booting from Floppy Images Paid Members Public
Continuing on from the previous tutorial, we move on to boot DOS systems from floppy images. Many floppies contained games or other software that would have automatically booted once the system started (using the autoexec.bat script). This can be simulated by using a floppy image which is simply a

DOSBox Part 1: Introduction, Startup Scripts and The Keymapper Paid Members Public
DOSBox is a great piece of software that allows users to run a huge collection of very old PC software dating back to the 1980s and 1990s on your Linux system. Versions for Windows, MacOS, and others exist as well. This guide one of a series of articles about what