Linux tools

Improve Productivity with These Linux Apps: Boost Your Efficiency Paid Members Public
In today’s fast-paced world, productivity has become a valuable asset for individuals and businesses. With Linux’s growing popularity as an operating system, many productivity-enhancing apps are available to maximize efficiency. Whether you’re a student, professional, or entrepreneur, these Linux apps can streamline your workflow, manage tasks, improve

Ubuntu Multipass -- Best Virtualisation tool for Developers Paid Members Public
Canonical developed Ubuntu Multipass, a command-line utility for quickly and easily creating Ubuntu virtual machines on all major operating systems. As the name implies, Ubuntu Multipass can launch virtual instances of Ubuntu and other custom images. It can be configured with cloud-init exactly like any other public cloud and can

useradd Vs. adduser Paid Members Public
Linux is a popular open-source operating system that runs on a variety of hardware platforms, including desktops, servers, and smartphones. One of the key features of Linux is the command-line interface (CLI), which allows users to perform a wide range of tasks using text-based commands. In this article, we’ll

eDEX-UI - Coolest Linux Terminal Paid Members Public
Linux terminal may be the most boring application for new Linux users, but it’s undoubtedly beneficial. Once a user gets used to it, it’s more powerful than a GUI app. eDEX-UI, a fullscreen Linux terminal, system monitor, and network monitor, is the coolest terminal application I have ever

grep Command - Linux Commands Guide Paid Members Public
grep stands for Global Regular Expression Print. grep command is available in Unix/Linux-based operating systems. The full form of the tool suggests that it is used to search any text or expression in the given file(s). It is useful when you are searching for a line in a

Color Picker Snap For Linux Paid Members Public
Color picker is another cool flatpak app, for developers and UI designers that need to experiment with colors. Most development software comes with their own color palette tool but some lack it. So this app is one way to generate customized color for your project during the development process. Install

tee Command In Linux - Linux Commands Guide Paid Members Public
Today, we are going to go over the Linux tee command. There isn’t much to this command so this guide will be brief. You will find some use for it at some point. Linux tee Command Usage and Examples tee command (as in a T-splitter in plumbing) takes content

Rsync - Best Tool To Sync Files Between Devices (Mainly Servers) Paid Members Public
rsync is a Linux CLI to copy or sync files between location A and B where location A and B can differ from network, host or device type. It is used at most by system admins to copy or move files through the network and even works on local files.