MySQL series

Create new users and Grant permissions in MySQL

Create New MySQL User With Password And Grant Permissions Members Public

MySQL databases handle all the data for websites and apps. Security is of extreme importance when it comes to handling data. So far we have been using the root user for everything. But in real websites, the root user is never used as it has access to all databases. This

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
MySQL series
Import Export Databases In MySQL Ubuntu CLI – Part 5

Import & Export Databases In MySQL Ubuntu CLI - Part 5 Members Public

In this article of MySQL series, we’ll learn to import & export DBs. When you work with SQL, you will often be taking a backup of your databases. You will also be importing previously taken backups. All of this is an integral part of learning MySQL. Exporting a Database

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
MySQL series
Inserting Data Into Tables – MySQL Series Part 4

Inserting Data Into Tables - MySQL Series Part 4 Members Public

Data insertion is very important in understanding MySQL databases. If the right data is not inserted in the right columns, we may get a lot of errors. Let us quickly create a small employee table by running the following command. create table employee(name varchar(20), city varchar(10), salary

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
MySQL series
Creating and Modifying Tables – MySQL Series Part 3

Creating and Modifying Tables - MySQL Series Part 3 Members Public

Today we’ll continue our MySQL series and learn how to create and modify tables. MySQL tables are the containers that actually hold data. A table with multiple columns and records can be seen as an excel sheet. In this article, we will try to create some tables that can

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
MySQL series
Data Types Data Modelling In MySQL – MySQL Series Part 2

Data Types & Data Modelling In MySQL - MySQL Series Part 2 Members Public

In this article, we will be learning about the various data types in MySQL and also how data modeling is done. I am assuming you have a working instance of MySQL on your computer. If not, you can read the step by step installation instructions. Data Types in MySQL MySQL

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
MySQL series
How to install MySQL

How to Install MySQL in Ubuntu Members Public

The Internet is a wild animal. Hungry enough to consume all the data in the world, and still be left wanting for more. Internet was very different earlier. The demand and supply for data was fulfilled in mostly using files that were often manually created. But once enough people were

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
MySQL series