Learn Bash

Basic Calculator Program - BASH Example Project [Part 8] Paid Members Public
We will build a bash example project, calculator program and at the same time reinforce all the concepts already taught. In a quick summary, we’ve explored the fundamental topics on variables, decisions, control statements, and arguments. There were minor subtopics including using comments in bash programs and operator types.

Arguments | Another way to work with user inputs - Part 7 Paid Members Public
Welcome to the Arguments chapter of the BASH scripting series. This chapter will introduce you to another new method of getting user inputs for your script. In the previous chapter, we’ve used the read command to get user inputs. Our bash interpreter invokes the read command works after our

Bash for loop - Loops In BASH- Learn BASH | Part 6 Paid Members Public
Welcome to the sixth chapter on BASH scripting series. And today we will dive into a very cool topic called looping constructs in computer programming. Loops are important if we have a task that needs repetition. There are different types of loops in bash, bash for loop, while loop, and

BASH Operators [Part 5] Paid Members Public
In the previous decisions article, we came across many new bash operators while learning the if, if-else, and elif statements. This article will provide deep insight to bash operators and their various types in computer programming. * Types of BASH operators * Assignment * Relational * -eq and -ne * -gt and -lt * Logical * &

Decisions | A Way To Make BASH Program Intelligent - Learn BASH | Part 4 Paid Members Public
Welcome to the fourth chapter of BASH scripting series in which we will discuss the topic, decisions. Like a human being making decisions throughout the day, computers too need to decide on the best possible route when executing stuff from time to time. It has to consider whether a certain

BASH Comments [Part 3] Paid Members Public
Welcome to third article of BASH scripting series. Today we’ll dive into a very important topic, BASH comments. Comment, in programming, is different from the online world of the Internet where you read an article or a blog and then post opinions or applaud the author in the comment

Variables in BASH - Learn BASH Paid Members Public
Welcome to the second chapter of BASH scripting series in which we will discuss variables in bash. Did you know that every programming language has a way to let programmers declare variables in their programs? But what exactly are they and why do we need variables in programming? Please read

Introduction To BASH Scripting - Learn BASH | Part 1 Paid Members Public
Welcome to the introductory series on BASH scripting. This series will cover a complete guide on BASH scripting starting from the foundation of computer programming then progressing on to the basic constructs of this scripting language and finally, you will also create a simple mini-project using this scripting language. BASH