Endless OS Launches New Major Version For Users Who Have Less Internet Access
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The developers of Endless OS have just announced the release of version 3.4 of the distribution, it is a major update and it focuses mainly on helping users to take advantage of their Internet connection when they suppose to have it.
Endless OS is a distribution oriented mainly to novice users who want to pay the least attention to the installation and configuration process and instead look for something that is ready with all the basic applications they will need.

This version in addition to bringing the usual improvements in stability and performance includes new features designed especially for those who do not always have access to an Internet connection.
For example, the system can be configured to not download app updates or any type of content when a data limit connection is used.
The distro is intelligently designed to know when and how it can depend on the Internet.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F6QLIuQh5w&feature=youtu.be
Video from Endless OS
Another novelty of the version is that it is already compatible with the new companion app for Android that will be released quickly to the public. An app that will allow you to see content from your computer on any Android device.
Endless OS 3.4 comes with GNOME 3.26, includes the latest version of LibreOffice, and Chromium is the default browser, one that also has Adblock Plus and several web apps services such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube, and Gmail, among others.
Another interesting thing is the download is available in two variants, the basic and complete option. The basic ISO weighs only 1.75 GB, which is normal for a modern distro. While the full version can reach 14 GB, this is because there are images that contain a lot of applications, especially for users who do not always have an Internet connection when installing the distro on a computer.
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