Linux Mint Desklets: How To Easily Manage It On Your Family PC
Table of Contents
Simple basic Desklet
Medium Desklet
You could add another new desklet like before. On to right clicking–selecting then right clicking–and–selecting. WAIT, that’s totally boring! What if you could do it the other way? Remember about the previous desklet options when you right clicked and there was on the top “Add new launcher”? Good for you if you did.
It’d be a good time to right click that gimp desklet and select the encircled option.
You’d notice “Title, Program & Icon Name” becomes active.
Let us fill it up;
under Title type in “Writer” (in case you are following me) or your own choosing
Then fill in the Program with “lowriter”
And the Icon Name with “/usr/share/app-install/icons/libreoffice-writer.svg”
That is the executable file name for LibreOffice writer. Another trick is to open the program this way “libreoffice –writer” which has more relaxed meaning than the one above but lazy typers won’t prefer that.And for the Icon Name /usr/share/… that’s the directory where literally all types of icons can be found. You could browse to that directory using Nemo and be amazed to find more than you can imagine. Use it to your advantage.
But again what if icon directory you’re choosing is different and has spacing? There are two ways to overcome that remedy:
Quote the directory… as in:
“/home/my icon/”
Tell your computer it’s a special character but doesn’t quote it as in:
/home/my\ icon/
On to next level.
Final round

- Icon file for each member and
- Their directory
Good thing, you have graphic editing software like GIMP & LibreOffice Draw pre-installed on your Mint. Use them to design cool icons for your family members. If you are bad (like me :P) at art do what I did. Fancy initial letter names.
Directory is not to worry about. Simply create a folder and all is well.
Now, for instance, you have a family member “Raj Kumar Jha”. Follow the pictures to make a desklet profile of him:
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